inclement weather

process and FAqs

Inclement Weather Process

Snow has finally appeared in our forecast! 我们想与您分享我们地区在恶劣天气下做出决定的过程. We understand that these decisions significantly impact families, 因此,我们希望分享这些重要决策背后的过程,以便更好地明确和准备. The safety of our students, parents, 员工是俄勒冈市学区优先考虑的核心价值. We carefully consider our decisions with this in mind.

Here is what our process looks like: 

1. 评估俄勒冈市当地及周边地区的天气和预报报告.
首先,我们监测当地和周边地区的天气报告. 俄勒冈市学区本身就有一个非常多样化的景观, and our surrounding area is no different. 这意味着,虽然您的住所附近的条件可能是清晰和可穿越的, it may not be so in another area. 我们的许多员工住在俄勒冈市以外的地区,这些地区受到的影响可能与俄勒冈市不同. 

2. Monitor road conditions for bus routes and commutes.
当天气预报中出现恶劣天气时,我们就开始监测道路. This happens the night before and in the very early hours, the day of. We aim to make our decisions by 5 am, before our bus drivers begin coming in to start their morning routes.

3. 与周边地区的邻近学区进行lovebet爱博体育app和监控.
我们也监控邻近的学区和周边地区. As mentioned before, 我们的许多工作人员住在俄勒冈市以外,我们有学生在俄勒冈市以外的学校和项目上学. 学校延误或邻近地区的天气状况可能会影响他们安全通勤的能力. We are also unable to safely operate school without our staff. 

4. Finally, send out notifications.
一旦做出决定,我们就会通过官方沟通渠道发出通知. 这些是ParentSquare, Facebook页面,Instagram帐户,我们的网站和flashhalert. 家庭还可以收听当地的新闻频道,了解学校关闭和延误的消息.

How do we decide between a school closure or a two-hour delay start?
我们通过观察天气和与邻近的学区合作来做到这一点. 如果天气使道路无法通行,并且天气预报没有任何改善, we will cancel school for the day. This means there will be no buses, and no after school activities. Our schools will be closed.

If it appears that the weather will improve, along with road conditions, 我们决定把上学时间推迟两个小时,这样上下班就安全了. Should the road conditions not improve within that time, we will cancel school for the remainder of the day. If school has been delayed by two hours, 公共汽车将比正常时间晚两个小时,上课时间也将改变. 课后活动可能会受到影响,所以请注意学校在这方面的沟通.

重要的是要密切关注我们的通信,以知道学校是否会在第二天正常运行, or if there will be cancellations or delays.

我们认识到每个天气事件都是独一无二的,我们理解您的家庭可能会受到各种方式的影响. Additionally, weather conditions change rapidly and are unpredictable.  我们努力工作,根据我们所知道的信息做出最好的决定. 我们不会轻易做出这些决定,我们在做出这些决定时主要考虑的是员工和学生的安全.  

Frequently Asked Questions 

Sometimes when the district closes schools I look outside my house and see only a thin covering of snow on the ground; I could easily take my child to school, but it is closed. Why is my school closed when it doesn’t need to be?
学校关闭的决定是基于整个地区的情况. We operate as a system, not as independent schools. 我们有超过一半的员工住在区外,需要安全通勤上班. 该地区的一些地区可能会有更多的雪,校车无法安全驾驶.e. Beavercreek or Redland areas. 

Schools are open, 但是路上有雪和/或冰,开车/走路离开我的社区是不安全的. What should I do?
We can’t make this decision for you or your family. 你需要确定开车/步行孩子上学是否安全. 我们鼓励家长根据自己对当地旅行条件的评估,为学生做出交通和出勤的决定.


克拉克马斯县的督学们通力合作,分享他们所在社区的天气状况信息,并讨论他们推迟或关闭学校的决定如何影响另一个地区.  Staff and students cross district lines for work, specialized programs and activities; being safe is a priority for all of us. 


转向在线学习需要事先计划,其中包括确保学生能够使用技术, wifi, 并了解如何在网络平台上与老师互动.  Staff also need to have systems and structures in place, such as Google Classroom, to support interactions and teaching.  通常情况下,教师有时间在取消的日子里进行这种过渡.  At this time, 俄勒冈市学区对员工和学生没有这样的期望.  通常情况下,我们只是偶尔离开学校一天,不会经历好几天的停课.  As we move forward, 我们将讨论如何在未来实现这一目标.   

What can we do at home to make up for lost learning time? 

有很多很棒的活动可以在家里完成,以支持学生的学习.  Reading a good book, 给错过了大雪/冰暴的家人写信, playing board games, engineering snow forts, learning about weather and climate, cooking new foods with measuring cups, playing an instrument, creating art, dancing or making up stories are all great activities for a snowy day! 

Families may also find supplemental resources here: